Samco Machinery developed a free smartphone application allowing access to company pictures, videos as well as detailed technical information.
Earlier this year, Samco Machinery developed a free smartphone application allowing access to company pictures, videos as well as detailed technical information. That application is now available to Android users. Once the Samco App is downloaded, it can be accessed at any time, without the need for online access.
The Samco Machinery App, available for free in the Apple Store and now in the Google Play Store, contains five sections to provide any data the potential customer may need.
- About Samco Machinery: contains company information, a product gallery and the corporate video.
- Markets: contains spec sheets and machine videos relating to the various industries served by Samco.
- RFQ: allows customers to submit a request for information.
- Support: features a link to the company website as well as the names, titles and email addresses of support staff.
- News: hosts the latest company news, media coverage, as well as providing up to date trade show information.
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