Tubos, Inc., manufacturer of the Tubos line of pre-engineered vent stack extensions, expands its product line with a 5-inch diameter vent stack extension for commercial roofing applications. Patented Tubos pipe extensions are now available in 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-inch diameters to accommodate most common vent stack sizes. Tubos products are fully compatible with both cast iron and PVC vent stacks, and each Tubos unit features a six-inch internal splice sleeve that prevents water and moisture from leaking into the roofing assembly.
“Adding the 5-inch extension to the line of Tubos Vent Stack Extensions effectively rounds out our line and provides options for 95% of the vent stacks on commercial roofs in the U.S.,” said Kevin Morris, CEO of Tubos.
Tubos provides an easy and cost-effective solution for extending vent stacks on commercial buildings. When insulation is added during a re-roofing project to meet building code R-value requirements, the height of the vent stack over the roof is effectively shortened, and frequently takes the vent stack out of building or plumbing code compliance.
“Tubos helps roofing contractors do more with less,” said Morris. “They are fast and simple to install and can be a real productivity enhancer on the roof, particularly if there are multiple vent stacks to address.”
Tubos units are installed in four easy steps. Just measure, cut, seal, and flash and you’re done. Plus, each 28-inch long unit can be cut and used to extend two pipes, and extensions can be up to 16-inches long. They are ideal for use where a tapered system is added, or a new lightweight insulating concrete deck is being poured.
For more information, visit https://tubos.biz.
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