New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities

Since early 2020 it seems like dramatic challenges have become the norm instead of the exception. With the onset of the pandemic, many businesses have experienced shutdowns, decreased sales, employee issues, and more. As we enter 2022 we are faced with three significant challenges — staffing, pricing, and supply chain.

As 2021 has progressed, we’ve seen a remarkable number of people leave, or fail to re-enter, the workforce. And this phenomenon is occurring across all industries. For reasons even the experts have been unable to explain, people are not returning to work. This leaves companies struggling to meet customer demand. Moreover, selling to new customers is difficult when you know there is a significant time lag between signing the agreement and fulfillment.

To make matters worse we have supply chain issues. The two major contributors here are companies that had to shut down during the pandemic, and bottlenecks at the ports for supplies coming into the United States. When the pandemic was in full stride, a lot of companies shut down because no one was buying. A large portion of the economy came to a screeching halt. As things started to open up in 2021, there was pent-up demand. All of those companies that had stopped production suddenly had more orders than they could fill. Marry this with lack of staffing and it’s easy to see why the backlog is growing daily.

Staffing woes have also impacted items being imported to the United States. There aren’t enough port employees to move the containers, and there aren’t enough truck drivers to move the contents. All of these challenges are connected, creating a perfect storm. Increased demand, decreased staff, and unavailable supplies have created a massive problem for every product-driven industry.

And then there’s pricing. When demand is higher than supply, prices go up. As manufacturers realize increased prices for raw materials, they are passing those increases on to their customers.

Roofing companies now have a combination of challenges to deal with. Meeting customer needs is impacted by higher prices, lower staffing, extended timelines, COVID safety protocols, and uncertainty.

So, where are the opportunities? All adversity provides opportunity. It simply depends on how you choose to confront the situation. Let’s explore some of those opportunities.

1. Nurturing The Relationship

It’s always a good idea to continue to build relationships with your prospects and customers. Right now it is imperative. There is so much you want to know about how your customers are dealing with the current landscape, what their needs are, what their expectations are, and how informed they are about the realities of the roofing industry. The more you learn about your customers the more you can help them, and the more valuable you become. If they aren’t aware of the staffing and supply chain issues you are facing, you have an opportunity — and an obligation — to let them know. Most people are reasonable and will understand the situation. And I submit that if they aren’t understanding, you probably don’t want to do business with them — another great thing to learn before you sign a deal!

You may be able to co-create a plan with your prospect or customer once they are informed. Don’t assume you know their timeline, expectations, or needs. Ask them! Both parties should be dealing with reality. The only way to ensure you know anything is to assume you don’t know so you’ll ask the questions. Believe me, your prospects and customers will appreciate it. They’ll also appreciate the truth from you. Trust is built through honesty. You don’t want to damage your reputation by trying to sugar coat the situation, or withholding information.

2. Alternative Offerings

Consider expanding your product or service offerings. There may be things your customers need that you can add to your lineup. I’m not suggesting you go far afield from your core competency. Rather, think about services or products that are tangential. Some examples are gutter repair and/or cleaning; advisory and strategic planning services where you help the prospect plan for future construction or maintenance needs; and first-time homeowner workshops. You have knowledge and expertise that is valuable to others. Capitalize on it.

Not sure what to add? Consider having a conversation with past and current customers to find out what they might need or be interested in. Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. Get curious and find out.

3. Partner

As you discover what your prospects and customers need, consider partnering with companies that offer complementary products or services. Set up a strategic partnership system that benefits both of you. Either establish a referral fee program or mark up the other company’s proposal and present it to your customer.

Either way, you can realize incremental revenue by introducing resources and solutions to your customers. The added bonus is you will increase your value to prospects and customers alike. And, your strategic partner will be helping you get in front of potential customers, thereby improving your options.

As you venture into 2022, commit to curiosity and innovation. The more you learn with an open mind, the more opportunities you’ll discover. The relationships you build with resources, prospects, customers, and vendors will help you identify ways you can expand your offering, as well as your value. Turn challenge into growth. Adopting this philosophy will serve your business well in the new year and beyond.

About the author: Diane Helbig is an international business and leadership change agent, author, award-winning speaker, podcast host and web TV channel host. As president of Helbig Enterprises (, she helps businesses and organizations operate more constructively and profitably. She can be reached via email at [email protected].

About the Author

Diane Helbig
Diane Helbig is an international business and leadership change agent, author, award-winning speaker, radio show host and web TV channel host. As president of Seize This Day ( based in Cleveland, she helps businesses and organizations operate more constructively and profitably. She can be reached via email at [email protected].

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