The machine is self-propelled with hands-free operation. Built with a durable 9 amp/115 volt/60 cycle electric motor, it is equipped with a quick-disconnect plug for added safety. It is recommended for use with 24-gauge panels only. The machine is exceptionally lightweight (37 pounds) and fast (34.2 feet per minute) and comes with a six-month manufacturer’s limited warranty. All roof seamers come with user-friendly owner’s manual.
Roof Seamer Includes Tooling Conversion Kits

D.I. Roof Seamers has released its “Universal Kit,” one roof seamer with tooling conversion kits to fit 1-, 1 1/2 and 2-inch roof panels and can be formed in 90- or 180-degree seamed profiles. Simply change the tooling on your job site to fit any panel you are working with. Bi-directional option available when seaming 90-degree profiles.
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