The Inspire Arcella Shake Roofing System carries a Class A fire rating, meaning it’s tested in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories’ “severe” fire exposure testing. In comparison, much wood shake roofing carries no fire rating at all. Many municipalities prohibit wooden roofs because of inherent fire risk. For communities that require Class A roofing or that deal with arid conditions, high wind and the combustible fuel of crackly brush, Inspire’s composite engineering offers a complete solution. Inspire removes fuel from potential fires with protection that could mean the difference in a roof and home surviving flying embers versus succumbing to them in flames.
According the U.S.D.A.’s Forest Products Laboratory, failure from decay in natural wood shake can occur in less than 10 years. But with Inspire’s line of genuine cedar colors, homeowners capture the look and texture of gorgeous cedar for as long as they own their home.
Inspire Arcella Shake is available in four rich colors that characterize nature’s warmth. Aged Cedar, New Cedar, Cedar Brown and Weathered Grey deliver handsome charm to complete a home’s classic look. Within each genuine color selection, two or three delicate shade variations deliver both a unified color field and unique authenticity. By comparison, other manufacturers’ synthetic shake has variations that veer further from a main color, perpetuating a mottled roof and calling authenticity into question.
To enhance the natural, handcrafted look, Inspire features a mix of 10-, 7 1/2- and 5-inch shake widths. Each Arcella Shake color selection is factory-sorted to deliver the ideal, ready-made proportions of shake width and nuanced color. Underlying the shakes’ authentic beauty, Inspire’s Arcella Shake’s innovative mineral filled polyolefin composition handles beastly weather; fierce wind-driven rain, Class 4 hail impact, sea-spray and 110 mph winds. Durability combines with meticulous realism reflecting hand-split cedar wood. By exactly mirroring nature’s texture, Inspire Arcella Shake produces deep dimension, long wood grain striations and wondrous interplays of light and shadow. All the attraction of shake roofing is delivered with significantly lower investments in money and time.
Since it is virtually maintenance-free, Inspire relieves homeowners from chores that risk safety. They don’t have to get the ladder out and scale the roof to perform work at dangerous heights, or hire someone. Inspire’s impermeability and toughness deliver valuable protection for coastal homes, standing up to extreme storms and years of saltwater-laden gusts. Its InFlex cambered design means fasteners hold the shakes snugly to the roof. Locking tabs provide easy installation and also protect against wind-driven rain, preventing water penetration for a structurally-sound roof.
Inspire Arcella Shake’s durability also makes it the sustainable cedar alternative. There’s no forced reliance on chemical treatments that need to be repeated every several years for wood shakes that could themselves need replacement in less than 20 years.
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