Structural Thermal Break for Steel-to-Steel Connections

The Schöck Isokorb Type S structural thermal break is a load-bearing thermal insulation element designed to insulate and support structural steel penetrating the building envelope, such as balconies, canopies, beams, and rooftop connections for solar panels and HVAC systems. It consists of a proprietary insulating material 1.5 to 3 inch in thickness, placed between stainless steel plates on each face with a stainless steel tube welded between them. The plates and tube impart the module with the requisite stiffness to transfer axial, shear and bending stresses, while minimizing or eliminating the risk of mold and corrosion by preventing interior surfaces from cooling and forming condensation. 

The placement of the engineered unit between the endplates of steel beams minimizes the surface area where the load bearing components of the structural thermal break cross the insulating layer and attach to the structural steel beams, satisfying both thermal and structural requirements. The use of stainless steel load bearing components contributes to the insulating performance of the module by conducting two thirds less thermal energy than would equivalent structural steel components.

It accommodates normal, as well as shear forces. Moments can be transferred by using a minimum number of two modules, one on top of the other. Quantity and layout in the construction are dictated by the size of the profiles’ loading requirements.

Modular design of the Type S component allows adaptation to nearly all profile sizes and load bearing capacity requirements. The company manufactures 15 types of structural thermal breaks for concrete-to-concrete, concrete-to-steel, and steel-to-steel connections.

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