7 Actionable Content Marketing Strategies for Roofing Professionals

Even in a profession as steeped in tradition as roofing, a business is only as good as its digital footprint in 2023. In fact, some roofing professionals now lightheartedly refer to themselves as “digital contractors.”

To this effect, content marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools at a contractor’s disposal. By giving readers unique insight and expert know-how into specific niches of the roofing industry, roofing professionals can generate meaningful online leads and increase profitability. Keep reading for seven actionable content marketing strategies for roofing professionals.

1. CTAs Within the Blog to Generate Leads

One of the fundamental tenets of creating a successful sales funnel is making it easy for the customer to take the next step. Without guiding customers along a logical path that ends in closing a sale, the greatest roofing content will be nothing more than a theory in customers’ minds. The key is a call to action, or CTA.

It is critical to tactfully include CTAs throughout your business’ blog content. This will help ensure that clients don’t simply look at your content and leave — they will actually follow up.

However, special emphasis should be given to the term “tactfully.” You do not want to create roofing content that has a thousand flashing buttons that distract from the message of your helpful content. This comes across as spammy and may alienate potential clients. Therefore, try to make your CTAs as natural as possible, matching the flow of your topic. Some seamless ways to incorporate CTAs in your content include:

• Video links so that customers can see what your products look like in action. Some ideas include 360-degree views of past projects, or video tutorials on how to install products and systems.

• “Keep reading” prompts so that customers continue to scroll and get products before their eyes.

• “Request demo” buttons so clients can sample the products they are reading about in your content.

By carefully inserting CTAs into blog content, customers are able to take the logical next step from learning about your products to actively looking to make a purchase.

2. Make Your Content Serve a Purpose (Keyword-Driven)

There is an old aphorism in the business world: “The customer is always right.”

As a roofing professional, you likely have a lot to say on the topic of roofs, but if it is not what customers care about reading, then it is essentially useless knowledge.

Therefore, before creating content, it is critical that you do your legwork and research the topics customers are looking up. Find trending keywords and incorporate them into your content to give your blogs the best chance of ranking for SEO and getting read by more potential clients.

Pro tip: Make your content and keywords as localized as possible. For example, “best composite roofing Dallas” is a stronger keyword than “best composite roofing.” By adding the location-specific tag, you are more likely to show up for local clients looking to make a purchase from a local supplier.

3. Spotlight a Customer or Project

Another important marketing concept is that it is easier to keep a client than cultivate a new one. While your prowess in providing outstanding roofing products with unmatched client service is the basis for creating this customer loyalty, there are other ways to help put the cherry on top and ensure that satisfied clients never defect.

One of the best ideas in this regard is to feature customers or projects on your website or social media channels. By having customers tell their story and feel like they are an important component of what makes your roofing business tick, you strengthen the psychological bonds that will make your business the top choice any time they need any future roofing work performed. In addition, people are more likely to share content that they are featured in, so spotlighting customers is a great way to tap into their spheres of influence.

4. Turn Blogs Into Newsletters

The best blog content in the industry is useless unless it gets in front of eyes. And while the goal is to rank for SEO, go viral, and get thousands of readers clicking through to your products and services, it will take some work before this becomes a reality.

Some ways to get the ball rolling in this regard are to share links to your blog content on social media, have your content featured on other authoritative roofing industry websites, and by turning your blog content into a newsletter. When taking this last step and sending out your blog posts via email, remember to only send to past customers and leads who have voluntarily furnished their contact information. This gives you the best chance of having your content read, forwarded, and shared across the internet — all factors that will improve click-through rate and get leads circling back to your products.

5. Utilize Social Media for Video Content

No modern digital marketing strategy is complete without a social media presence. As the majority of people spend their free time scrolling through their social media accounts (surveys indicate the average person spent 147 minutes each day on social media in 2022), you are missing out on countless views if you do not have social-centric content.

Video loops and stories are hot in the social media sphere right now, so think of ways to create fun, concise videos regarding various topics in the roofing industry for customers to easily digest as they are browsing social media. If it sticks in their minds, they will be much more likely to follow up in a more sustainable fashion.

6. Keep Content Evergreen

Evergreen content is that which ages well. This ensures that a post you create today won’t become untrue, awkward, or irrelevant at a later date. Some ideas for keeping roofing content evergreen include:

• Avoid using specific dates, and if you do, be sure to go back into your blog post and update these dates to keep the content contemporary.

• Create case studies and in-depth tutorials — professional, data-driven content within the industry is much less likely to go out of style than opinions or fleeting trends.

• Be smart with your keyword choices. Keyword trends come and go. Choose keywords that have staying power over those that are focused on industry slang or hot current events

Creating evergreen content from the start will help guarantee that a post can build upon its success and result in compound gains for your business.

7. Allow Industry Experts to Guest Blog on Your Site

The great aspect of having a blog for your business is that it can be a repository for all of the best roofing content in the industry. This doesn’t have to be limited to the minds of you and your team. Invite roofing industry experts to post their thoughts, experiences, and point of view to your site. Not only can it enrich the content of your blog by providing a new angle, but it can introduce your business to the eyes of your guest’s readers — a powerful lead generation concept.

Put These Strategies to Work

Content marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing mediums at the disposal of roofing professionals. By creating helpful, authoritative blog posts, you will attract potential clients to your business’ website in droves to gain your unique insights into the roofing industry. By using the seven pro tips listed above, you can guarantee that your roofing content results in more paying customers and a more profitable roofing business.

About the author: Jeff Guthrie is the founder and CEO of Phoenix Roofing & Repair, a full-service roofing contractor headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, providing roofing services for both residential and commercial clients. For more information, visit phoenixroofingandrepair.com.

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