UTOPIA, FOX’s bold new unscripted series that follows a group of everyday people creating their own new civilization, has begun a nationwide search for pioneers to become the first inhabitants of UTOPIA. The series is looking for motivated and adventurous people who possess the passion and determination to create and build a whole new world—just the way they want it! Entrants should express their ideals, beliefs, skill sets and vision for their interpretations of UTOPIA.
Casting currently is seeking people with skills in the construction, home decorating, design, DIY, transportation, wood working, machinery/tools, architecture, green living, sustainable development, building/engineering trades areas.
UTOPIA will follow 15 inhabitants as they leave their everyday lives to move to a beautiful, but isolated and undeveloped location—for up to an entire year—challenging them to create their own world. The series offers people from across America the chance to be part of a groundbreaking social experiment; the pioneers will make every decision about how they will live, work and what the rules and laws of UTOPIA will be.
Participants must be a legal U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, at least 21 years of age (as of March 24, 2014) and able to commit to a full year as a “Utopian” pioneer. Watch a UTOPIA casting video. Visit UTOPIA’s website for updated submission rules, terms, conditions and additional casting information and events.
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