Because of its superior on-the-job safety score, Sims Crane & Equipment Co. has again earned a significant reduction in its insurance premium. The firm’s Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is 0.68, meaning its insurance premiums will be 68 percent of the premiums required from less safe companies.
“The EMR is a rigorous standard set by insurance companies and the state, so having those outside third parties attest to our superior workplace safety practices and our culture of safety at Sims is a credit to everyone who works here,” declared Dean Sims II, vice president of Marketing at Sims Crane & Equipment.
The EMR is a gauge of past cost of injuries and future probability of injuries. An EMR of 1.0 is considered industry average. The lower the EMR, the lower the firm’s worker compensation insurance premiums will be. The EMR is designed to measure whether a company’s workers’ compensation losses are better or worse than expected. If the experience is worse than expected, a company is punished with a high EMR greater than 1.0. If the experience is better than expected, a company is rewarded with a low EMR below 1.0, paying less for workers compensation premium than a company with a high EMR.
“In Florida, Workers Compensation rates are ultimately determined by the Florida State Department of Insurance. The only real mechanism to apply either good or bad loss experience to the premium calculation is through the experience modifier,” adds Randy Proos, with USI Insurance Services in Coral Gables.
The EMR is calculated by a rating bureau, the National Council on Compensation Insurance, using three years of past loss history, excluding the immediate past year. The 2014 EMR is calculated using the 2012, 2011, 2010 loss experience.
With 325 employees and 381 cranes, lifting devices and associated support equipment operating out of 11 regional offices in Florida, Tampa-based Sims Crane & Equipment Co. is ranked No. 1 in Florida and No. 14 in the nation by American Crane and Transport magazine. Since its founding in Tampa 54 years ago, Sims has been known for its safe, cost-effective, creative and on-time customer service, offering the latest in 3-D lift planning, total transport capabilities, a fully trained service department, and a team of onsite consultants and application specialists.
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