“Roof edge systems typically represent only about one percent of a building’s overall cost,” says Brian Partyka, Drexel Metals’ executive vice president of business development. “Yet the importance of a properly designed roof edge system cannot be underestimated or ignored, as 60 percent of all roof warranty claims are attributed to metal edge failures.”
Drexel Metals has applied its expertise in the details of metal roofing to produce low-slope roof edge systems, or ES-1 Rated Roof Edge Systems. ES-1 is a reference for those who design, specify, fabricate or install low slope roof edges and it’s based upon information in ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
In Engineered Commercial Roof Edge Systems, Drexel Metals offers solutions for five coping solutions, two fascia cover designs, three gravel stop details and two solutions for drip edges. The brochure also has two methods for gutter specification and installation.
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