Harness Roofing and Waterproofing recently teamed up with GAF to repair the roof of Ozark Share & Care’s thrift store in Harrison with a new roof coating. The roof coating will alleviate a big operating expense and help Share and Care focus on using their funds to directly meet the needs of the community.
Ozark Share & Care is a community-sponsored, non-profit emergency services program. The organization started in 1987 and has grown to be an essential part of the Harrison community. Emergency food is provided for anyone in need, regardless of geographic location.
“We’re very proud to partner with a manufacturer that believes in giving back,” said Justin Harness, President at Harness Roofing and Waterproofing. “Certain industries are naturally more ingrained in the community, however, there is always space for businesses of all sizes and industries to make an impact. We are thankful we have the opportunity to donate this new roof to Share and Care who gives to our community every day.”
GAF, North America’s largest roofing and waterproofing manufacturer, donated roofing materials allowing the Harness Roofing and Waterproofing crew to coat the old existing roof system, which was in desperate need of rehabilitation. This collaboration was part of GAF’s social impact initiative, GAF Community Matters, which is focused on making a positive difference as neighbors and partners in the community by leveraging roofing expertise, resources and products to help build resilient communities.
For more information, visit www.GAF.com.
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